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Architectural Paint Research Conference Call for Papers, deadline February 15

02 Feb 2016 9:59 AM | Christine R Henry

Call for Papers - The 6thInternational Architectural Paint Research Conference

Dates: March 15-17, 2017

Location: Columbia University, New York, NY

Language: English

Website: www.apr2017.org

Powers of Ten: Expanding the APR Toolbox

Like the Charles and Ray Eames 1977 short film, Powers of Ten, Architectural Paint Research (APR) deals with magnitudes of scale, from a single pigment particle, to a painted house, to the decorative tastes of an entire region. In the spirit of the film, the 2017 APR conference aims to take a closer look at how we carry out our research at every level, from the micro to the macroscopic.

The 6th International Architectural Paint Research Conference organizing committee is sending out a call for papers and posters for its next meeting in New York City, March 15-17, 2017. Submissions are invited from APR specialists and advanced students, as well as members of related disciplines including art conservators, preservation architects, decorative painters, heritage managers and materials scientists.

There will be a session on APR standards led by the standards committee, as put into motion at the 2014 Stockholm APR conference.

Topics should ideally include but are not limited to:

Non-traditional or Overlooked Finishes: Projects where finishes identified through APR included unexpected color combinations, non-traditional use of traditional materials, finishes rarely discussed at previous APR conferences, or finishes that may be unique to a single geographic region.

Case studies with a Focus on Cross-section Microscopy: As always, APR case studies are welcome topics at the conference. We request that papers be well supported by cross-section photomicrographs and other analytical data that illustrate your interpretive process.

Research into paint materials and technologies: This can include archival research or research of a technical nature that sheds a new light on paint materials or finishes. Topics may focus on a particular studio or decorative painter/artist’s working methods, colourman’s practices, pigment manufacture, and/or the evolution of paint/pigment/varnish technology.

Replication of Historic Finishes: Spotlight on the challenges and solutions involved with replicating finishes identified through APR. Topics can include methods for removing overpaint, collaborating with decorative painters to replicate schemes, and/or the sharing of information that could only have been gleaned through the preparation/replication process.

Projects Revisited:Have you had the opportunity to re-visit an old project? If so, how have these projects fared over time? How has your work been received by the public? What lessons did you learn that carried over into future projects?


Submitting an Abstract

The language of the conference will be English. To submit an abstract for a paper or poster, please submit a provisional title with a summary (500 word maximum) at http://www.apr2017.org/call-for-abstracts/. Please use the name of one author. The names of any co-authors can be submitted in the body of the abstract.

This year we encourage submissions from advanced students working on APR related projects for a dedicated “Student Research Session”. Select papers will be included in the final publication. When submitting your abstract, please indicate if this is a student submission.

Abstracts must be submitted by February 15, 2016.

Selected speakers and poster authors will be notified by April 16, 2016. Details regarding guidelines for the conference presentations and articles will be provided at the time of notification. Speakers will also be requested to submit their work in the form of a full-text, illustrated article for publication in the conference post-prints. This article will be peer-reviewed and due on November 15, 2016.

Poster authors may be asked to give a 5-minute presentation at the conference, but will not be responsible for an article.

If you have any questions, please contact Mary Jablonski mjablonski@jbconservation.com
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