VAF-New England 2025 Annual Meeting

Join the New England Chapter of the Vernacular Architecture Forum as we return to the Providence Public Library in Providence, RI on Saturday, April 5, 2025 for our Annual Meeting. The day includes paper sessions, a keynote presentation by architectural historian Abigail Van Slyck on her new book, Playhouses and Privilege: The Architecture of Elite Childhood, our annual business meeting, and a special panel on the state of cultural resource survey in New England. We look forward to sharing new research and conversing with colleagues.

Scroll below for full details on registration, program, travel, parking, and hotel information.

Market House, Providence, RI (1775) designed by Joseph Brown and Stephen Hopkins and rehabilitated in the 1930s by John Hutchins Cady. Now part of the RI School of Design Campus. Photo courtesy National Park Service.


Seminar Room, Third Floor, Providence Public Library, 150 Empire Street (intersection of Washington and Empire Streets)

Registration (Coming Soon)

Members: $30.00

Students: $15.00

Non-Members: $40.00

Program of Speakers

Travel, Parking, and Hotel Information

Public Transit (Rail)

If arriving via Amtrak or MBTA Commuter Rail, the Providence Public Library is just under a mile or about a 20 minute walk from the train station:

  • Exit the Providence station onto Gaspee Street and turn left (south) toward Francis Street (US 1).
  • Turn left onto Francis Street. Go 0.3 miles on Francis to Fountain Street. Turn right.
  • Walk 0.1 mile, turn left onto Snow Street (a short street that looks like a parking lot), then turn right onto Washington Street.
  • Walk to the intersection with Empire Street. The Providence Public Library is at 150 Empire Street.

Parking and Driving Directions

From the South

Take 95 North to the Broadway exit (Exit 21) and merge right as you come off the exit ramp. Stay in the right lane and continue straight through the light. You will see the Providence Hilton and the Civic Center on your left. Stay in the right lane as the road curves to the right. The Library is on your right.

From the North

Take 95 South to the Atwells Avenue exit (Exit 21). Turn left off the exit at the light, and cross back over 95 and continue straight through one set of lights. The Providence Hilton is on your left. Take slight left at next set of lights, curving around to the right and then continuing straight on Empire Street to the next set of traffic lights. The Library is immediately on the right (150 Empire Street). If you have crossed the Washington Street intersection, you’ve passed us.

From the East Bay or Southeastern Massachusetts areas

Take 195 West to 95 North to Exit 21 and continue with the directions "From the South."

Nearby Parking Facilities

The closest available parking is the LAZ lot at the south corner of Broadway and Empire Street, directly adjacent to the Providence Public Library. This lot is accessible via Broadway and has a daily flat rate of $10.00.  

Other Parking

LAZ, 197 Fountain Street (entrance directly across from The Hilton hotel) and other locations (LAZ Parking)

DownCity Parking, 13 locations (, 401-273-9466

Amica Mutual Pavilion (AMP) Parking99 West Exchange Street, Providence

Hotel information

The Dean Hotel, 122 Fountain Street, Providence (0.1 mi from the library)

The Hotel Providence, 139 Mathewson Street, Providence (0.2 mi from the library)

Previous Annual Meetings

VAF-NE Annual Meeting 2024, Providence, RI

"Portland, Maine’s Most Popular House: The Flexible, Adaptable Side-Hall," Thomas Hubka, University of Oregon

‘Strangers and Outcasts in a Strange Land:’ The Struggle for African American Civil Rights in Rhode Island, 1652–1976, Gretchen Pineo, Public Archaeology Lab, Pawtucket, RI

"The Rural Gothic, Early Episcopalians, and Trinity Church, Wall Street," Judith Hull, Independent Scholar

"New England Immigrant Synagogues 1880–1930: A Mix of Old and New World Vernacular," Samuel Gruber, Independent Scholar

"Ghosts, Paper Chains, and Starlight: Materiality and Mysticism in the Sukkah," Hannah Muhlfelder, Boston University

"Fighting Cultural Genocide: Documenting Ukraine’s Cultural Heritage in a Time of War," Myron Stachiw, Independent Scholar

VAF-NE Annual Meeting 2020

“Framing the Old Colony: Early Plymouth Architecture in Context” James Kelleher, Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in American Material Culture

“The New England Squash Barn” Sally McMurry, Penn State University

“Marblehead Land Company, A Well-Documented Residential Subdivision of the 1880s John D Clemson, Independent Scholar 

A Look Back at a WWI Housing Effort Lorna Condon, Historic New England

Introducing the Royal Barry Wills Associates Archives Lorna Condon, Historic New England

Destination “Magic Town”: Capitalism, Corporate Branding, and the Trackside Architecture of the Portland & Rumford Falls Railway, 1890-1895 C. Ian StevensonIndependent Scholar

FORUM: Recovering Urban Vernacular Spaces in Boston and New York City

“They Persisted: Women Confront the Corporate Improvement of Boston’s Waterfront, 1790-1820” Kathryn Lasdow, Suffolk University

“Real Estate and Reimagining African American Free Space in New York City” Alexander Manevitz, New York Historical Society


VAF-NE Annual Meeting 2019

“Imaging New Netherland: Origins and Survival of Netherlandic Architecture in North America,” Jeroen Van Den Hurk, Salve Regina University

Building English Houses: Evidence from the Mashantucket Pequot and Hassanamisco Nipmuc Reservations, Myron Stachiw, Independent Scholar/Consultant in Social and Architectural History and Holly Izard, Worcester Historical Museum

VAF 2021 Conference in Plymouth, MA, J. Ritchie Garrison, University of Delaware

The Architecture of La Survivance: Creating Quebecois Community in Early Twentieth-century New Hampshire, Peter Michaud, Cultural Resources Manager, United States Navy

The World in One Square Mile: The Cultural Landscape of Central Falls, Rhode Island, Gretchen Pineo and Virginia H. Adams, Public Archaeology Laboratory

New England’s Connected Farmhouse Architecture: An Investigation for the National Historic Landmarks Program, Roger Reed, National Register and National Historic Landmarks Programs

 VAF-NE Annual Meeting 2018

Vernacular Building Science at the Gropius House

David Fannon, Northeastern University

The House was Demolished: The Role of Cultural Bias in the Loss of Modern American Residential Architecture

Anna Marcum, Tulane University

The Mid-Century Modern Lexington Center Pedestrian Promenade, 1967-1970

Virginia Adams & Gretchen Pineo, Public Archaeology Laboratory

Mid-Century Mormon Modern: Creating a Mormon Cultural Landscape Among the Eastern Establishment

Sam Palfreyman, Boston University

Just Add Water: Midcentury Transformations of the Pondside Vernacular

David Foxe, Epstein Joslin Architects

Suburban Design Thinking: Home Builders and House Design in the Mid-Twentieth Century

Elaine B. Stiles, Roger Williams University

David Fried: Mysterious Modernist of the CCC

Devin Colman, Vermont Division for Historic Preservation

Lovett's Inn: A Jewelbox of Modern Design Tucked into Franconia Notch

Nicole Benjamin-Ma, VHB


 VAF-NE Annual Meeting 2017

Pedaling Vacationland: Bicycles, Architecture, and the Leisure Landscape in Maine 1878-1902

Sam Shupe

Building Reform at the Connecticut Industrial School for Girls 1870-1900
Karen Robbins

'You Will Find it Handy': Researching African-American Automobile Travel Guides and Their Sites
Catherine Zipf 


State of the Chapter 

 VAF-NE Annual Meeting 2016
The National Historic Preservation Act and the VAF: The Populist Revolution 
Kim Hoagland

Panel: Educating about the Vernacular
Moderator: Zachary Violette with Betsy Cromley, Kim Hoagland, Robert Russell, Myron Stachiw

Fraternity, Furlough, and Family: Maine's Civil War Veteran Summer Cottages
Ian Stevenson, Richard E. Greenwood Young Scholar Award

A Damming Problem: The Relocation and Modern Planning of Hill, NH's New Village
Andrew Cushing

Panel: The Vernacular in Practice
Moderator: Elizabeth Igleheart with Betsy Friedberg, Peter Michaud, Christi Mitchell, Jenny Scofield, and Laura Trieschmann

 VAF-NE Annual Meeting 2015
Arcadian Vernacular Architecture
Don Cyr

The "Block," a Three-Decker Variant in Berlin, New Hampshire
Laura Driemeyer

Speculative Mill Town Architecture in Augusta, Maine
Zachary Violette

The Career of the Double Parlor in Boston, 1800-1850
Jeffrey Klee, Richard E. Greenwood Young Scholar Award

 VAF-NE Annual Meeting 2014
The Backstory of Planning: The Olmsted Firm and Brookline Landscape
Keith Morgan 

Early Suburban Architecture in Newton, MA, 1830-1850
Neil Larson

Jonas Mulokas: Architecture Inspired by Lithuanian Vernacular and American Modernism
Milda Richardson 
Early African-American Meetinghouses of New England
Aaron Sturgis

Mapping Colonial Newport: The Challenges and Triumphs of Digital Research
Catherine Zipf

VAF-NE Annual Meeting 2013

VAF-NE meets March 16 at Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, MA.
Annual meeting schedule and registration 2013

 "...make it neer the Culler of Chelmsford meeting-house":  Painted Surfaces on Early New England Houses of Worship
Peter Benes

A Duxbury Joiner’s Shop
Michael Burrey

What can and can’t be said:  Civil Rights and African-American History in the New New South
Dell Upton

Assessing the Cultural Significance of Stone Piles
Timothy Ives

Defining New England House Types, Part 3
Claire Dempsey

VAF-NE Annual Meeting 2012

VAF-NE meets March 31, 2012 at Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, MA.
Annual meeting schedule and registration 

Chain of Tools: Supply Chains, Lumber, and Vernacular Communities in Northern California, 1850-1930
Jim Buckley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Interpreting the Shakers: Opening the Villages to the Public, 1955-1965
Will Moore, Boston University

A New North Shore House Type
Sean Maher

'Tenement Canyons': Methods for Managing the Data on a Common Building Type
Zachary Violette, Boston University

VAF 2011 - Jamaica Report
Kate Matison, Katherine Matison Consulting

Defining New England House Types
Claire Dempsey, Boston University

VAF-NE Annual Meeting 2011

VAF-NE meets April 2, 2011 at Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, MA.
Annual meeting schedule and registration

Architectural Remains of the 1607-1608 Popham Colony on the Kennebec River in Maine
Jeffrey Brain, Peabody Essex Museum

Out of the Attic: Inventing Antiques in Twentieth-Century New England
Briann Greenfield, Central Connecticut State University

A Study of 18th-19th century Powder Houses and Their Construction on the North Shore
William Finch, Independent Consultant

Within the Means of All: American Consumer Culture and the Rise of the Residential Funeral Home, 1915 – 1965
Dean Lampros, Boston University

The Food Axis
Betsy Cromley, Northeastern University

Understanding Massachusetts House Types
Claire Dempsey, Boston University

VAF-NE Winter Meeting 2010

Early New England Buildings: Reflections on the Field
Robert Blair St. George, University of Pennsylvania

The Framed Houses of Northern New England: An Archaeologist's View
Emerson "Tad" Baker, Salem State College

The Broad Chamfer School: Understanding the Client-Craftsman Relationship in Early 18th Century Guilford, Connecticut
James Sexton, Architectural Historian

Recent Observations of Late First Period Construction Details in the Connecticut River Valley
William Flynt, Historic Deerfield

Sources for Reconstructing the Built Environment in the Connecticut Valley
Kevin Sweeney, Amherst College

First Period Buildings in Eastern Massachusetts: Research in Progress
Anne Grady, Preservation Consultant

ROUNDTABLE: Framing the Study of Early New England Architecture

VAF-NE Winter Meeting 2009

Building Order on Beacon Hill
Jeff Klee, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

Picturing Freedom: Pedro Tovookan Parris' Autobiographical Landscapes
Martha McNamara, Wellesley College

Marshall Street, Watertown, MA: A Charles Brigham Showroom
David Russo, Independent Reseacher

Architecture and the Reproduction of Privilege: A Cultural Landscape Approach to the Children’s Cottage at the Breakers
Abigail Van Slyck, Connecticut College

Gendered Landscapes in Turn-of-the-Century San Francisco
Jessica Sewell, Boston University

Invisible Property: the Clothes Closet as Architectural Space
Elizabeth Cromley, Northeastern University

VAF-NE Winter Meeting 2008

Preservation and Profit: Wallace Nutting and the Chain of Colonial Houses
Tom Denenberg, Portland Museum of Art

Norman Isham: Rhode Island’s Early Preservation Architect
Arnold Robinson, Newport Collaborative Architects

The Architect as Historian: Restoration Architecture of Joseph Everett Chandler
Tim Orwig, Boston University

Displaying American Decorative Arts: George Francis Dow’s Period Rooms in International Context
Kathleen Curran, Trinity College

Antiquarians and Economics: The Invention of Cushing’s Island
Sara Butler, Roger Wiliams College

Panel Discussion with Speakers
Moderator: Pieter Roos, Newport Restoration Foundation

VAF-NE Winter Meeting 2007

Finding Meaning in New England Churches: Researching Temples of Grace: The Material Transformation of Connecticut’s Churches, 1790-1840
Gretchen Buggeln, Valparaiso University

Exhuming Old Ship: New Evidence for Original Features at the Hingham Meetinghouse
Brian Powell, Building Conservation Associates, Inc.

Forum: The Orientation of Houses in the Village of Deerfield: Archeological and Documentary Evidence of Change in the Eighteenth Century
Robert Paynter, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Where We Lived: An Experiment in Accessible History
Jack Larkin, Old Sturbridge Village

The Building Frame Trade in Coastal New Hampshire
James Garvin, New Hampshire Division of Historic Resources

VAF-NE Winter Meeting 2006

How the English Farmhouse Was Redesigned in British North America
Cary Carson, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

God is in the Details: The Transformation of Ecclesiastical Architecture in Early 19th Century America
Carl Lounsbury, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

Invitation to Vernacular Architecture: Why We Said What We Said
Elizabeth Cromley, Northeastern University

Collaboration in the Packaging of Boston and New England: The Encyclopedia of New England and The Buildings of Massachusetts: Metropolitan Boston
Keith Morgan, Boston University

Report from the VAF Annual Meeting: Tucson Overview
Elizabeth Cromley, Northeastern University

Forum: Learning from the Coburn House
Claire Dempsey, Boston University

VAF-NE Winter Meeting 2005

A Socioarchitectural Study of Seventeenth-Century Connecticut Valley Probate Inventories
Kevin M. Sweeney, Amherst College

Archaeological Insights on the Spencer-Peirce-Little House, Newbury, Massachusetts"
Mary C. Beaudry, Boston University

City Architect and Rural Builder: the Collaboration of Richard Upjohn and George Stearns in Brattleboro, Vermont, 1853-55
J. Ritchie Garrison, University of Delaware

Report from the VAF Annual Meeting: Pennsylvania Overview
Abby VanSlyck, Holly Izard, and Elaine Stiles

Forum: Protocols for Dendrochronology
Willie Graham, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

 VAF-NE Winter Meeting 2004

Landscape, People, and Architecture of the New England Tobacco Fields
James F. O’Gorman, Wellesley College

'To Create an Old-Fashioned Garden': Archaeological Perspectives on the Restoration of Newport’s Wanton-Lyman-Hazard House
James C. Garman, Salve Regina University

Architecture in Early Maine: The View from the Chadbourne Archaeology Site (ca. 1643-1690)
Emerson Woods Baker II, Salem State College

Report from the VAF Annual Meeting St. Pierre and Michelon: An Overview
Myron O. Stachiw, Roger Williams University

Graffiti in the Candia, NH, Schoolhouse at Old Sturbridge Village: The Identification of a Regional Vernacular Symbol
J. Edward Hood, Old Sturbridge Village

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