VAF’s website has all the details you’ll need to attend our conference virtually, including the schedule and information about the program. This year we will have two days of events, on Friday afternoon the 21st of May and all day Saturday the 22nd of May.
This year the conference is free to all VAF members, so be sure to check in advance to be sure you can log in. Remember there are multiple membership levels, several quite affordable, and this might be a good time to join or suggest it to your colleagues and students. If you are already a member, please consider a small donation to VAF.
We are going to try something new at the end of the day Friday – break-out rooms where we can gather in smaller groups for discussion and socializing built around our programs and interests. There will be rooms for B&L, the Special Series, for the African American Field Schools, for the New England Chapter, for a potential Tidewater Chapter, for continued discussion of field work after the panel earlier in the day, and for authors to present information about their new books.
Looking forward to seeing you then!
Claire Dempsey
VAF President