VAF has a number of awards to promote and support vernacular architectural fieldwork and scholarship, as well as the dissemination of research. There are a few awards that have upcoming deadlines for nominations:
The Award for Advocacy encourages citizen-based advocacy by recognizing exemplary efforts and achievements on behalf of our vernacular built heritage. Deadline: January 3, 2020
The Catherine W. Bishir Prize is awarded annually to the scholarly article from a juried North American publication that has made the most significant contribution to the study of vernacular architecture and cultural landscape. Deadline: February 1, 2020
The Paul E. Buchanan Award recognizes contributions to the study and preservation of vernacular architecture and the cultural landscape that do not take the form of books or published work. Deadline: January 5, 2020
The Abbott Lowell Cummings Award, named for the founding president of the VAF, is awarded annually to the newly-published book that has made the most significant contribution to the study of vernacular architecture and cultural landscapes of North America. Deadline: December 15, 2019