VAF-New England Annual Meeting
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Fuller Conference Center ~ Old Sturbridge Village
Sturbridge, MA
8:30 - 9:15
9:15 – 10:05
Vernacular Building Science at the Gropius House, David Fannon, Northeastern University (20 min)
The House was Demolished: The Role of Cultural Bias in the Loss of Modern American Residential Architecture, Anna Marcum, Tulane University (20 min)
10:05 – 11:15
The Mid-Century Modern Lexington Center Pedestrian Promenade, 1967-1970, Virginia Adams & Gretchen Pineo, Public Archaeology Lab (30 min)
Mid-Century Mormon Modern: Creating a Mormon Cultural Landscape Among the Eastern Establishment, Sam Palfreyman, Boston University (30 min)
11:15 – 12:05
Just Add Water: Midcentury Transformations of the Pondside Vernacular, David Foxe, Epstein Joslin Architects (20 min)
Suburban Design Thinking: Home Builders and House Design in the Mid-Twentieth Century, Elaine B. Stiles, Roger Williams University (20 min)
12:05 – 12:20
VAF-NE Field Trips: 2017 Review & 2018 Preview
12:20 – 12:30
ANNUAL MEETING (VAF Members): President’s Report; Secretary’s Report; Treasurer’s Report; 2017 VAF National Meeting (Salt Lake City, UT); Board Nominations and Vote
12:30 – 1:30
LUNCH ~ Box lunches ($20) will be offered at the Oliver Wight Tavern. Other lunch options are also available at the Museum and in nearby Sturbridge. Please reserve lunch by March 13!
1:30 – 2:45
David Fried: Mysterious Modernist of the CCC, Devin Colman, Vermont Division for Historic Preservation (30 min)
Lovett's Inn: A Jewelbox of Modern Design Tucked into Franconia Notch, Nicole Benjamin-Ma, VHB (30 min)
2:45 – 3:30
Works-in-Progress ~ Brief presentations of Works-in-Progress from the field