Welcome to the January 2021 issue of VAN. If you want to jump to the entire newsletter on the website, you can use this link. You will notice some changes, so I will use this letter to outline how VAN will be evolving over the next several months. A dedicated committee has worked this past summer and fall to access. VAN and design a more useful and engaging newsletter as we all rely on digital communications more and more.
First of all, you will be getting the newsletter monthly, where eight times a year the focus is on short news items that include VAF business like calls for proposals, as well as information on upcoming conferences and other important information about our organization. These issues will also include information about related events or opportunities called Community News, and the very popular section on Member News where we can share the work we are all doing in the field with publication announcements, research questions, speaking events, and accomplishments.
On a quarterly basis there will be expanded editions of the newsletter that will include more images and longer feature articles including our notes from the field essays and the essential VAF bibliography. Here is a link to our new publication schedule, though you will still be getting reminders to send in your contributions. We will also be working to put more of our stories out on social media platforms, so look forward to seeing VAF all around the web!
Included in this first issue of our monthly VAN you will find a call for the next VAN Editor and a team of two assistant editors. There you will find more details about the plans for new and improved communications. It has been my pleasure to serve as the VAN Editor since 2014 and I am equally happy to transition to a new editorial team to take the publication to new heights. I hope you will consider applying or encouraging others to apply. It is a great way to contribute to our wonderful community.
I hope you enjoy this issue!
VAN Editor