PhotoPaysage / Landscape Representation
Albuquerque, NM, USA, October 15-17, 2015
A French / American Dialogue about the role of photography in changing conceptions of landscape

Images credits: Left: © J.B. Jackson/UNM, 1997. Right, top to bottom: © Sabin Delcour 2015 (cropped); © Miguel Gandert, 1996; © Geoffroy Mathieu and Bertrand Stofleth 2013; © J.B. Jackson/UNM, 2015 (cropped).
Three photographic exhibits, film screenings, social events and two days of talks by photographers, landscape architects, writers and historians.
The conference will feature a three-year French research initiative on the interface of landscape, photography and theory, along with contributors toDrawn to Landscape: The Pioneering Work of J. B. Jackson, edited by Janet Mendelsohn and Chris Wilson, which debuts at the conference.
Organized by the Ecole nationale supérieure du paysage de Versailles (French National Landscape Architecture School), and the School of Architecture and Planning, and University Libraries at the University of New Mexico
French Speakers U. S. Speakers Session Chairs
Monique Sicard Timothy Davis Brian Goldstein
Jordi Ballesta Paul Groth Richard Longstreth
Bruno Notteboom Helen L. Horowitz Chester Liebs
Frédéric Pousin Matthew Coolidge Virginia Scharff
Sabine Delcour Miguel Gandert Elizabeth Barlow Rogers
Marie-Madeleine Ozdoba Laurie Olin Katya Crawford
Raphaële Bertho Lucy Lippard Laura Harjo
Lin Chi-Ming Chris Wilson Kymberly Pinder
“Photographic Notes On the Road: J. B. Jackson, 1955-1989,” School of Architecture and Planning Gallery, October 15 - November 9, curator, Jordi Ballesta.
“Vernacular in Place: Old and New Topographic Photography,” UNM Art Museum, October 16 - December 12, curators, Miguel Gandert and Chris Wilson.
“Documenting the Cultural Landscape: The J.B. Jackson and Chester Liebs Collections.” October 15 - 17, Center for Southwest Research, Zimmerman Library, curators, Audra Bellmore and Erin Fussell.
French Sponsors: Agence nationale de la recherché; AUSser: Architecture Urbanistique Société; and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique . At UNM: Center for the Southwest, History Department; Center for Southwest Research; College of Fine Arts; George Pearl Endowment; Historic Preservation and Regionalism Program; Interdisciplinary Film and Digital Media Program; Landscape Architecture Program; Office of the Provost; and the University Art Museum