For more information: Prof. Andrzejewski at
Fieldschool in American Vernacular Architecture
Farmsteads on the Frontier: German-Russian Immigrants in Western North Dakota
Anna Andrzejewski, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Instructor)
June 19 - July 17, 2017
This fieldschool will focus on documenting historic farmsteads built by German-Russian immigrants in western North Dakota (Hetinger and Stark Counties) during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This four-week course will be split between the Madison campus and the field sites North Dakota; we will spend at least one week in the field and the rest of the time back in Madison working on an “ebook” to disseminate our findings. The course will teach skills in building documentation, archival research, and interviewing. This is a 3 credit course offered through the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Non UW-Madison students may take the course as a “Special Student.” There is cost for tuition, but travel & lodging expenses during the field portion of the class are fully covered.
For more information, email Prof. Andrzejewski at